Hump Day Energy Smoothie Bowl


I think it took me about a decade to understand why Wednesday was referred to as “hump day” in America. I just kind of accepted the epithet with raised eyebrows and a shrug of the shoulders (wondering who it was I actually supposed to hump on these designated hump days.) Until the light bulb finally turned on and I realized that “hump” was referring to “a rounded mass”… as in the top of a hill…and therefore, Wednesday, being the middle of the workweek, was the day that landed on the apex of the literal hump. (not the horny dog gripping your leg kind of hump hump…).

Anyhoo… being the middle of the week, on hump day, I found myself pretty devoid of energy a few Wednesday’s ago and whipped up this energy boosting smoothie bowl to not only raise my vivacity with its natural energy enhancing ingredients, but raise my spirits with its prettiness. J

Energy Boosting Green Smoothie


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 2/3 cup coconut water
  • 2 large handfuls spinach
  • 1 orange (peeled)
  • 1 1-inch piece of ginger


  • Sliced kumquat, bee pollen and pomegranate jewels


  • Blend the smoothie ingredients (I used my Vitamix!), decorate with the toppings, serve and enjoy!

And of course, have a Happy Hump Day!!!!