Dark Green Smoothies

When we entered phase two of Italy’e coronavirus quarantine life, I seriously asked myself: What is the difference between phase one and phase two? Basically nothing. So what did I do? I made more smoothie bowls😀

These smoothies below became my go-to post-yoga lunch over the last couple of weeks in quarantine.... (if your wondering why? It’s because I packed them with tons of vegan protein, phytonutrients and other elements that keep me full of energy and healthy on both the inside and outside.)


Obviously I change things up here and there based on what I have in the fridge and on the shelves but this is a good base to follow. So here ya go....

Ingredients: 1 frozen banana 1 frozen zucchini 2 handfuls zucchini 2 handfuls lettuce 1 cup plant-based milk 1 tsp marine collagen (mine is mint flavored...not sure why 🤷🏼‍♀️) 1 tbsp cacao powder 1 tsp cinnamon 4 dates 1 tbsp flax seeds 1 handful almonds 1/2 mango

Topped with: Pollen and blueberries Boom. That’s a lot. I know. It’s good. Stay healthy. Eat plant based smoothie bowls

That’s it for today.

Morgan Witkin